Department of  Islamic Studies

Islamic Studies

The department of Islamic Studies is a newly established department in Aliah University. It has started its journey from 2017 in park circus campus. Presently the Dept. of Islamic Studies is offering 3 year Course of Bachelor of Arts with Honours  and 2 years M.A. in Islamic Studies. Form 2019 the department adopted the Chios Based Credit System in UG level.  The department has two Assistant Professors and one part time teacher. 


This Program will introduce students to major areas of Islamic Studies and provide them with knowledge of Quran, Hadith, Islamic Jurisprudence, Sufi Studies, Faith and Kalam. The students will gain knowledge about different aspects of History of Muslim Culture and Civilization all over the world and they would be acquainted with the Social, Political, Ethical and Economical Theories of Muslim Thinkers. This Program will specially introduce the development of Arts and Architecture, Natural Science, Social Science and Technology in Medieval Muslim period. This curriculum will make the students aware of Non-Muslim Contribution to Islamic Studies. They will learn about Muslim Thinkers and Reform Movement in India in details and the Contemporary Muslim World in general.



The objectives of the two-year post-graduate program are as follows:

  • To acquire the revealed knowledge of Quran and Hadith.
  • To develop students' ability in analysing texts of Quran and Hadith as sources of Islamic Jurisprudence.
  • To gain knowledge about Tassawuf, kalam and Muslim Philosophy.
  • To gain knowledge regarding different aspects of the History of Muslim Culture and Civilization all over the world.  Students would be acquainted with the Social, Political, Ethical and Economical theories and practices of Muslim Thinkers.
  • To learn about the Non- Muslim’s Contribution to Islamic Studies
  • To train students in finding solutions for modern issues of family life and social life in the light of Islamic teachings.
  • To know about socio-political-Economic and legal issues relating to the Muslim women
  • To learn about achievements and contributions by the Muslims to Natural Science, Social Science, Technology, Art and Architecture
  • To enable students to be eligible for higher studies.

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