Vision: To become a Centre of Excellence and contribute to the society through excellence in scientific and knowledge-based education utilizing the potential of Computer Science and Engineering with a deep passion for wisdom, culture and values.


Head of the Department (HOD): Dr. Abhishek Das 


Mobile: +91 8584853825

Brief Profile:

The Department of Computer Science and Engineering started functioning in the year 2009 with three courses namely 4-year B.Tech in Computer Science and Engineering, 5-year Integrated M.Sc in Computer Science and 5-year Integrated Master of Computer Application. In the year 2013, the department started a 2-year M.Tech programme in Computer Science and Engineering. Later in the year 2015, the department started a 3-year Post Graduate Programme in Master of Computer Application.

The Department currently has Sixteen (16) efficient permanent Faculty Members (3 Associate Professors and 13 Assistant Professors), some guest faculty members, one Technical Assistant and two other staffs to run the courses smoothly. Good teacher-student relationship and well equipped laboratories with modern software and hardware amenities help the department meet the current demand of industry and academia. In addition, the department is maintaining a steady growth in academic and research activities, which play an important role in bringing a healthy and vibrant academic environment.

The Department has the following laboratory facilities for smooth running of the academic programmes.The department currently maintains four software laboratories viz., Programming Lab-I, Programming Lab-II, Database Lab and  Network laboratory and one hardware laboratory equipped with microprocessor kits, microprocessor interfacing kits etc. In addition, the Department has a plan to set up two more laboratories, one Computer Vision laboratory, one IoT and Cloud Computing laboratory, one Data Mining and BioInformatics and one advanced Networking Laboratory. In addition, the Department has state-of-the-art research laboratories for post graduate students and research scholars.

The department has received research funding from various government and private bodies for carrying out research on cutting edge technologies. 

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